
Business Boot Camp for Wrap Professionals

The wrap industry can be extremely exciting and rewarding. Equally, it can be very frustrating as it has unique business challenges that most industries do not face. Avery Dennison’s Business Boot Camp is specifically designed for the wrap installer who is ready to take their business to the next level. The workshop was created in collaboration with, and hosted by, Justin Pate, from The Wrap Institute, and John Duever, co-owner of Vinyl Images and Design - both pioneers in the wrap world. Over two days, topics covered include design and production, maximizing your online presence, social media, sales and more. The Business Boot Camp for wrap professionals offers comprehensive solutions combined with detailed analysis of every aspect in a wrap shop.

Sign up for the last Boot Camp of the year on October 4-5 at Car Wrap City in Dallas, TX. Learn more about Business Boot Camp for Wrap Professionals, wrap classes and the Avery Dennison Certification Exam at https://graphics.averydennison.com/en/home/resources-and-learning/certification-classes.html